About Us
HTTL Farms is a small family farm in central Nevada. It is in the middle of nowhere and we absolutely love it and it is home to us.
When we say small we mean it. When we say family we mean it.
The farm consists of less than 200 acres of pasture and about as many cows. We don’t own a tractor. We don’t raise cash crops. We care for the soil, and cultivate biodiversity through raising a wide variety of different grasses on that soil, also known as polyculture. Our cattle consume those grasses directly from the field. Our cattle in turn fertilize the soil. We keep it simple, we believe simple is best.
It is a family farm. This farm and the cattle on it are our livelihood. We love being able to experience this life with our children and helping them learn from the many situations that arise in "farm life"

Brennen and Joanna and 4 of the children
We have been eating our own beef for several years now. We enjoy it very much.
However, selling our beef directly to the end consumer through online methods is brand new for us.
Until recently the only ones enjoying our beef have been our own families and extended family and friends and neighbors.
Not too long ago the world was disrupted in many ways by a pandemic. One of the many ways in which disruptions were felt was through the many supply chain disruptions and shortages.
Many we know during that time experienced hardships when the grocery store shelves were nearly empty and prices went up. Uncertainty and a sense of insecurity surrounding basic needs were felt during this time.
Our families felt blessed that we had plenty of those essential food items already on hand. Being that what we do is raise healthy, clean and delicious grass fed beef, that is one thing we had a surplus of.
We felt we needed to do our small part a little better. We felt we needed to share this blessing with more people. Although small and unable to make a large impact we wanted to do the best we could.
We have an offering we believe in and we have no need to try to come across as something we are not in order to appear more attractive.
Some may be wondering what the, “HTTL” in HTTL Farms stands for. Allow us to share. It stands for:
Holiness To The Lord
Our objective is not to use our beliefs to sell something. Our farm and its name have been around long before we sought an online presence.
However, to allow you to get to know us more personally, allow us to briefly share with you the deeper meaning we hold in what we do and the name we carry.
Holiness To The Lord means giving our best and honest effort. It means being a good steward. It means being humble. It means recognizing who really owns the richness of the earth and recognizing our role as temporary caretakers of it. It means being grateful. It means sacrifice. It means looking beyond ourselves.
Unfortunately there seems to be no end to uncertain and insecure times in the foreseeable future.
Let us help each other.
Let us provide you with the healthiest and most nutritious beef that can be raised.
Let us help you be prepared with a store of beef.
The next time you need hamburger to prepare a meal, don’t burn gasoline to go to the store to purchase something you're uncertain of.
Simply go out to the freezer and grab something you can be absolutely certain of.
Let us help you with that.
Join our email list. Join our Facebook and Instagram.
Let us share a small piece of the farm life with you, let us share future offers, and let us share an occasional inspirational message with you that will encourage you to feel uplifted and hopeful in a world where most messages seem to do the opposite.